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Learn more about genetic testing
The root person in the family tree is the default person when viewing your family [...]
You can choose from over 16 types of family tree charts and reports. Updates will [...]
Sharing your family tree with relatives allows them to view and even help contribute information [...]
Y-DNA is the DNA of the Y chromosome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 [...]
mtDNA stands for “mitochondrial DNA." All of us, both males and females, carry mtDNA. mtDNA [...]
The most common type of mutation or variation found in mtDNA is called a “SNP” [...]
Some Y-DNA haplotypes occur more frequently in certain parts of the world. For example, people [...]
A Y-DNA haplotype is a persons Y-STR profile. This includes the number of repeats at [...]
TMRCA stands for “Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor." It’s a measure of how long [...]
Advanced glycation end products or AGEs are made by a process called glycation. This takes place [...]
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